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Can I Negotiate a Better Deal with My Current Lender?

Launch Finance - Can I negotiate a better deal with my current lender?

As a consumer, it’s always in your best interest to find deals that will help you save more money than you’re currently spending. This applies to whether you’re buying groceries or shopping for a home loan. If you’re wondering if you can ask for a better deal from your current lender, then the answer is […]

How Do I Know if I’m Paying Too Much Interest?

Launch Finance - How do I know if i’m paying too much interest?

Apart from your loan amount, a huge bulk of your mortgage repayments goes towards paying off the interest your loan has accrued. Your home loan repayments go towards two amounts, the amount you are repaying back to the bank and the interest where the bank makes money from. No one likes paying interest and it’s the […]

5 Ways to Help You Save More Money in 2016

Launch Finance - 5 Ways to Help You Save More Money in 2016

The year’s almost over, and it’s once again the time when many of us make our list of resolutions for the coming year. For some, it’s about creating a healthier lifestyle, while for others; the coming year is about becoming financially stable or independent. If you’re looking for financial stability, saving money is your first step […]

Select Lenders Now Taking into Account 90% of Income for Australians Living and Working Abroad to Secure Finances

Launch Finance - Select Lenders now taking into account 90% of Income for Australians Living and Working Abroad to secure finances.

Good news for Australian permanent residents and Australian citizens living and working overseas earning overseas income. Certain lenders in Australia are currently relaxing their loan requirements to make it easier for applicants to borrow more and help secure their finances whilst living abroad. Select Australian lenders are taking into account 90% of the applicant’s income, […]

Everything You Need to Know About Credit Laws in Australia

What are the Credit Laws in Australia? The amended Privacy Regulation Act commenced on 12 March 2014 and includes details of how financial institutions can collect, use and disclose your financial information to credit-reporting bodies. This means that your financial institution is legally allowed to share your credit liability information and your repayment history by […]