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Debt Reduction Strategies TOP 5

Launch Finance - Debt Reduction Strategies

Launch Finance Director and award-winning finance broker Steve Milligan, shares the top 5 debt reduction strategies that he uses with his clients to help them get ahead of the curve. Hi, I’m Steve Milligan from Launch Finance. Today we’re going to go through my top five debt reduction strategies. #5 Using an offset account At […]

How to Choose & Use Credit Cards

Launch Finance - Dean English How to choose and use credit cards

Low interest.                Hi, I’m Dean from Launch Finance and I’m here to talk to you about credit cards. The best way to use them, the best way to get the most benefits out of them. Credit cards – a fantastic product in the right hands and not so great in the wrong hands. Here’s some […]

5 Tips for a Successful Home Loan Approval

Launch Finance - 5 tips for a successful home loan approval

#1 Be prepared.                Always be prepared. I think the main thing about being prepared is to make sure that you’ve done a bit of research around what you want, and then you can ask the questions to your broker around borrowing capacity, where do we sit? – deposit wise, what do we need? We can […]