Our Top Apps for House Hunting, Renovating & Decorating

Technology is all about helping make our lives easier and these days hunting for the perfect property, decoration inspiration and renovation ideas can all be found in the palm of our hands. We have put together our must-have apps for the savvy home owner, or soon to be home owner. 1. Houzz Australia Once you’ve […]
New Year, New Budget

2018 has well and truly begun, the festive season is over, and some people will be a few kilos heavier! Goals are being set about fitness and business, but too often we forget to set financial goals, including our personal finances. So, we are making a call for February to be the time to set financial goals […]
The Australian Economy is Looking Up for 2018

Some of us aren’t sad to see 2017 go, and with data that confirms 2018 is set to be a better year economically, we can’t help but look forward to the New Year and continued economic growth. Here’s a little insight into why we think 2018 will be bigger and better than 2017. To date, […]
2017 in Review: Biggest Financial Announcements of the Year

It’s been a busy year for the finance and mortgage industry with plenty of changes, and the introduction of new policies and products, so in case you missed it, we’ve collated the biggest events of 2017 for you: 1.5% Cash Rate – The RBA left the cash rate at a record low of 1.5% throughout […]
Everything You Need to Know about Refinancing

The year’s almost over, and it’s time to set goals for 2018. One important objective for the coming year should be to review your home loan. For most people, their biggest asset is their home, and concurrently, their biggest liability is their home loan. So, it makes sense, when setting goals for the coming year, […]