4 Tips for a Smooth Home Loan Approval

It’s a great time to purchase a new home in WA and with this comes greater competition from other buyers, so it helps to be prepared with a pre-approved loan. By having a pre-approved loan, you know how much you can borrow and therefore how much you can spend, which means you can make an […]
How Do Banks Calculate Business Risk?

When a bank lends money to a customer, it takes the risk that the customer may not repay the money under the terms and conditions offered by the bank. Just like you, banks are in business to make money, so they want to manage their risk as much as possible when lending money to a […]
Are Loan Comparison Websites the Same as Using a Mortgage Broker?

Before taking out a home loan, it is essential that you compare lenders and their products first to know what your options are and to get the most suitable deal for your personal situation. There are three ways you can do this: Speak to as many lenders as you can yourself; Use a comparison website; […]
How Does My Spending Affect My Home Loan Approval Chances?

Home loan approval is more than showing a lender you have a deposit and consistent income. Lenders are now closely reviewing your spending habits to ensure you can afford the loan you have applied for. Do you spend a lot of money on take away food, have a high mobile phone bill or like to […]
5 Tips for Keeping Your Budget on Track This Summer

Summer is well on its way and with it comes holidays, Christmas and good times with friends and family, but this can also be an expensive time for many. With enough planning and financial discipline, you can enjoy the season without breaking the bank or missing repayments. The goal is to ensure you spend less […]