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Top Finance Mobile Apps

Launch Finance - Top Finance Mobile Apps

Here at Launch Finance, we understand the importance of a budget, however we also understand that modern day life keeps us busy and sometimes expenses become harder to track. With these expenses adding up it can make it difficult to work towards saving for that next big ticket item you’ve had your eye on, but […]

Our Tax Tips to Slash End of Financial Year Stress

Launch Finance - Our tax tips to slash end of financial year stress

It’s no secret that tax season can be a particularly stressful time for any individual, especially business owners. It doesn’t have to be this way; the key is to staying organised throughout the year. We know, easier said than done right? Let us share some of our tips that will hopefully help make tax season […]

Understanding Goals & Objectives to Achieve Smoother Finance Approval

Launch Finance - Understanding goals & objectives to achieve smoother finance approval

Launch Finance recently assisted a client looking for finance approval to purchase his first property after previously being declined finance from the bank direct. For the client, this unfortunately meant that he was left with a decline against his credit file, which no one wants. We met with the client to discuss his financial situation […]

Helping 457 Visa Holders Buy Their First Home in Australia Without a High Deposit

Launch Finance - Helping 457 Visa Holders buy their first home in Australia without a high deposit

Lenders are offering finance approval for 457 Visa Holders who are currently awaiting permanent residency in Australia and are looking to purchase a property. We can assist 457 Visa Holders in successfully obtaining a home loan, without a high deposit needed. Previously, it has always been very difficult for anyone other then permanent residents and […]

Change is Coming for Accountants

Launch Finance - Change is coming for accountants

As of midnight on June 30th, a fourteen-year-old exemption from the 2002 Financial Services Reform Act will be removed for accountants. During that time, accountants have been able to provide advice on the establishment of Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (a pivotal area of advice for many accountants and their clients) without the need for an AFSL […]